Alaska Reid
website, instagram, facebook, soundcloud, spotify, apple music
Alaska Reid comes by way of Park County, Montana, an enclave for writers, artists and ranchers of the American West. She went to a one-room schoolhouse, attended voice lessons from the only music teacher in town, singing in musty, brown shag carpet basement, bars and in the dirt rink for the Livingston RoundUp Rodeo. In her teens she partially moved to Los Angeles, playing every shit-hole on the Sunset Strip trying to be an Americana singer-songwriter.
Reid began spending more and more time in Los Angeles come late-teens. From 14-18 she began gigging around LA. Eventually during her time in Los Angeles after becoming fatigued by the way she was seen as a young girl singer-songwriter, Alaska began to lean into her obsession with loud guitars and fuzz (thanks to her favorite band Dinosaur Jr.). She formed a band project, cold messaged John Agnello (Dinosaur Jr, Kurt Vile etc…) on Facebook and ended up releasing an album produced by him, entitled ‘Crush’. Reid and her band borrowed her parent’s minivan and toured around the West while playing the usual LA haunts trying to be grunge. She soon thereafter disbanded her project, feeling restricted and misunderstood as she wrote all the material herself and felt that people were not focusing on her lyrics.
Today, Alaska releases “Boys From Town” - a clear amalgamation of her upbringing, from Montana to Los Angeles, tying notes of country and Americana with lightened pop and poignant lyricism. Reid writes about characters, often young women, mixing it with her own experiences to tell a story. Her sound pulls from writers/artists such as Joni Mitchell and Paul Westerberg etc…Her voice and her guitar (often in alternative tunings) serve as the North Star for her sound, surrounded by pop structured songs and programmed drum beats to support her newly-formed genre.